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The Christian Health Manual

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This is a health education manual with a difference! First, it is clearly written, in a friendly and easy to follow manner that will make it invaluable for the layman who does not have a full understanding of how the human body functions, to come to grips with the essential causes of diseases and medical cures. The writer, himself a medical doctor, often writes from the perspective of his own early background in a rural village in Ghana, and, indeed, for anyone growing up in an African context, this book will be a wonderful guide to better health. Then
again, this book is unique in so far as it is addressed largely to the Christian reader. The writer’s explanation of the nature of disease makes abundant sense, tracing, as he does, its origin to the fall of man in Eden, where the Creator made everything perfect and saw that “all was good”. From a medical and Christian point of view this book will advocate a lifestyle that will best serve the reader to prevent disease, for prevention is always better than cure! And where a cure is needed, the right mental attitude, not forgetting the unlimited power of prayer, is
probably the most important resource.



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