Growing Up in a Small African Village
Have you ever imagined what life is like in a tiny village devoid of electricity, running water, a school, a hospital and all the facilities that people living elsewhere take for granted? Can you imagine yourself as a six-year-old walking a distance of three kilometres, bare-footed, on the hot tropical soil to attend school? Returning home in the evening, exhausted from the day’s activities, did not end the day’s burdens. Instead, you had to help your parents prepare the evening meal, and then, with the aid of kerosene lamps pumping foul- smelling fumes into the evening air, do your homework before going to bed.
These, and many more amazing revelations, are what you will learn from this fascinating book about my childhood and boyhood days at Mpintimpi. Growing up under the most deprived conditions imaginable, I ended up training to become a doctor in Germany.
It is a book that will surely engage the thoughts of the reader long after he/she has finished reading it.
Copyright Robert Peprah-Gyamfi, 2020. All rights reserved