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World War Two Revisited

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As they left for a hunting expedition on a bright and sunny Sunday morning in December 1939, did the two identical twin brothers, Panin and Kakra, ever imagine what lay ahead of them? Did they detect any signs that might be interpreted as forebodings to arouse some uneasiness in them, to evoke a degree of apprehension in them to lead them to suspect something untoward could happen to them that day? Whatever the thoughts that went through their minds and the emotions they were subjected to that day, the day did not go the way they had envisaged.
Instead of the few catches of various types or rodents that abound in the woods surrounding their little settlement they hoped for as they set out, they would be forcefully separated. Kakra, the junior of the pair, would end up being exposed to fierce fighting not only on the Battlefields of East Africa but also of Burma – fighting on the side of the Empire and King – in an attempt to dislodge Italy and Japan respectively from their occupation of British Empire territory.
Follow Kakra’s breathtaking story as it unfolds in this exhilarating, awe-inspiring and thrilling account. It is the first of a duology, a prequel to Twins Divided.



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