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Privacy Policy

As data controllers, we take visitors’ security seriously. Please find more details about what we do with the information you provide us below.


What information about you do we collect?

We obtain your name and contact details when you contact us through the contact form on this website or by email. If you send us a prayer request, we will also obtain information from you which may be classed as sensitive information such as details about your health, age, marital status, and other background information about the prayer you have asked us to make. If you book a seminar, we will also collect information from you that could be classed as sensitive. If you opt-in to our newsletter, we will also obtain your name and email address. If you purchase a book through this website, we will also obtain details necessary from you to facilitate that purchase.


What information do we collect from bookstore customers?

When you order items, we ask for additional information such as your full name, shipping address, and telephone number (your “Order Information”), as well as your credit card or other payment instrument information and billing address (your “Billing Information”).
In the course of facilitating purchase orders, we may make limited disclosures of your information to others for a variety of purposes:
Order Fulfilment: To process and fulfil orders, we may provide buyers’ shipping address and email address to stockists and delivery services, but we do not disclose buyers’ Billing Information.
Payment Processing: In the course of providing the Service, we may disclose your personally identifiable information to third party providers (such as Paypal) in connection with the processing of credit card payments or other payment method transactions.

How long do we retain your information?

We will retain your details indefinitely until such a time that you either unsubscribe to our newsletter, or otherwise ask us to delete the information we hold about you.

How we secure your information?

We store information on secure, password-enabled encrypted servers. Some of those servers are in the United States and have self-certified themselves as compliant with the EU-US Privacy Shield. Payments made to us are done so through Paypal.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate

This website is protected using SHA-2 256-bit encryption and a 2048-bit signing algorithm which encrypt the information you provide us and keeps sensitive data safe. The padlock icon, displayed next to our URL in the web browser, indicates a secure mode where communications between browser and web server are encrypted. This type of connection is designed to prevent anyone from reading or modifying the data you exchange with the website.


This website uses cookies.
What are cookies and what are their purpose? Cookies are small text files which a website may place on your computer or device when you visit a site. The majority of websites use cookies to collect and retain personal information about their visitors. Most cookies including the ones on our website collect general information, such as how visitors arrive at and use our Sites, the device they are using, their internet protocol address (IP address), what pages they are viewing and their approximate location (for example, we would be able to recognise that you are based in London). Our cookies are also used to provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better.
What are your choices regarding cookies? If you’d like to delete cookies or instruct your web browser to delete or refuse cookies, please visit the help pages of your web browser. Please note, however, that if you delete cookies or refuse to accept them, you might not be able to use all of the features we offer, you may not be able to store your preferences, and some of our pages might not display properly.
Where can your find more information about cookies? You can learn more about cookies and the following third-party websites:
● AllAboutCookies: https://www.allaboutcookies.org/
● ICO: https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/online/cookies/

Disclosure to third parties

We never sell your information to third parties and disclose it only to Paypal and to third-parties for the purposes of facilitating book purchases, as above.
Your information, your rights: Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018, you can access and receive the information we have, correct or update it, restrict its use, object to us storing it, ask to have it deleted, or complain to a supervisory authority.

Data Protection Officer: Robert Peprah-Gyamfi

Legal Notice: We make no warranties of any kind that this website, social media platforms and emails are free from viruses or other forms of harmful computer code. In no event shall we be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages resulting in the use of this website.

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